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With the high temperatures also comes the increase in the electricity bill. That’s why it’s good to consider what measures we can take to save energy in the summer. But it is not only during the hot months that we can suffer from sharp increases in our electricity bills. We need to implement energy efficiency measures in the home throughout the year.
The problem is greater today, with the sharp rise in energy costs. Many houses built in the past did not take into account the need to bet on energy saving, and when it came to air conditioning they bet on the traditional, such as air conditioning and heating devices. This could be a problem in the long run, since when such solutions were installed, the natural protection of buildings against inclement weather was left aside, forcing greater energy consumption.
Because of this, today the concern about energy poverty is much greater. If the consumption in supplies is equivalent to 10% or more of the family income, a house is considered to be energy poor, even if there is no situation of lack of protection or unemployment. A fact that can occur if energy is wasted. Therefore, it is important to address the high energy consumption with different energy efficiency measures in our homes, which will undoubtedly provide a relief in the electricity bill.
It is considered that with simple changes or assumable modifications in the home, more than half of the energy consumed by US households could be saved. These are some of the energy efficiency measures that can alleviate the costs of the electricity bill.
Improved Thermal Insulation. It is very important to reduce energy losses inside our homes. This is the same as maintaining heat in winter and preventing rooms from heating up in summer. This is the most effective way to reduce energy consumption, because if the indoor climate comfort is sufficient, it will not be necessary to use air conditioning systems.
Although the best way to achieve watertightness in a building is to plan it from the beginning of the work, in cases of renovation it is also possible. For example, changes in windows and doors can improve and much one of the points through which heat and cold escape. If we live in an attic, it is important to consider the roof as a place to close it hermetically.
Replacing Traditional Lighting With LED Solutions. The lighting is very important, since depending on the type of installation we have, it is possible that it is of an assumable cost or that it supposes a strong increase of the invoice of the electricity. The best solution is to have LED bulbs. And, even better, use the sunlight to avoid the use of light bulbs during the day.
Wagering On low Energy Consumption Appliances And Maintaining A Reasonable Use. Look at the energy labels on each of your appliances and get the ones that have a better rating on the energy card. When you buy a television or a refrigerator, take into account its consumption, since your supply bill will depend on it.
Replace The Boiler With A New One
Changing the boiler at home can reduce energy consumption by up to 30%. In addition, it is also efficient for the environment: almost a ton of CO2 per household per year.
Adjusts The Temperatures In Your Home To Reasonable Values
In many homes it is thought that in summer it is comfortable for temperatures to be around 70ºF and that in winter it is possible to be in short sleeves. Besides being unnatural and dangerous to our health, the energy expenditure is enormous. If we stick to some natural values we will achieve a consumption in air conditioning to the half.
Use Mechanical Or Natural Ventilation Solutions. Air renewal is necessary for health reasons. But, in order to implement energy efficiency measures, ventilation can be the best ally. Warm air is installed in homes in elevated areas and can be extracted with mechanical ventilation systems. In case you can only use natural ventilation, you can create drafts between windows and doors, or even bet on simple fans.
Fight Against Humidity With A Dehumidifier. If your home is in a moisture-affected area, such as coastal areas or perhaps near a river, you may suffer from moisture. If that’s the case, the heat and cold are likely to be more noticeable. With a dehumidifier you can improve the health of your home and achieve better temperatures, without the need to use traditional air conditioning systems. This is one of the most effective energy efficiency measures in your home.